I’m running a PBF game on RPGGeek

I’m running a sci-fi adventure over on RPGGeek.com.


It is using 1974 Style   a rules-lite stripped down OSR clone.

I was torn between Blood of Pangea: Retrospace and 1974 Style, as I wanted to run both. In retrospect I kind of wish I used BOP–but fuck it(!)–there will be time to run that as well.  Every choice means foregoing another choice, at least for the time being.  Thankfully this adventure is only 13 rooms and their connecting corridors.

Feel free to follow the adventure if reading PBF games interests you.

While we’re discussing PBF, here is a link to the Fighting Fantasy PBF I ran that went over two years.  If you ever want to play “Shaggradd’s Hives of Peril”, you are better served by not reading it, so nothing is spoiled.  To be honest, I think Shaggradd’s Hives is an inferior adventure to “The Wishing Well”, which is the first of the two adventures included in “Fighting Fantasy: The Introductory Role Playing Game” . You wouldn’t be spoiling very much.
